BMS #TOTAL calculator (using JavaScript)

The standard of the value of #TOTAL is computed. (One POOR corresponds to -% of Groove gauge)
One JUSTGREAT = +n% JUSTGREATs * n > +n% #TOTAL calculation formula
IIDX #TOTAL supposition 1 7.605 * Notes / (0.01 * Notes + 6.5) <min: #TOTAL 260>
IIDX #TOTAL supposition 2

Notes < 400 ? 200 + Notes / 5 :

Notes < 600 ? 280 + (Notes - 400) / 2.5 :

Notes > 600 ? 360 + (Notes - 600) / 5

omitted #TOTAL in BM98 200 + Notes
omitted #TOTAL in fgt++ 100 + Notes / 8 <min: #TOTAL 125>
omitted #TOTAL in nazo 100 + Notes <min: #TOTAL 130>
omitted #TOTAL in bmDX 200
omitted #TOTAL in LR2 160
omitted #TOTAL in ruvit 160
omitted #TOTAL in nanasi 350
Input the number of notes, and Input the value of #TOTAL.
One JUST GREAT = +n% JUST GREATs * n > +n%